
Pattrn isn’t loading any data when using the Google Sheets backend

If, after setting it up by following the step-by-step guide (section 2 of the doc) and having entered a dataset into the Pattrn_Master spreadsheet, your Pattrn Platform doesn’t load any data, please check that:

  • Every row in the Pattrn_Master spreadsheet that contains data in any of its cells, also contains valid data in the cells corresponding to the latitude, longitude and date_time columns

In particular, check that all rows supposed to be empty are indeed completely empty of all data.

Try reloading the Pattrn app. If it still doesn’t load data, please check that:

  • All the data in the latitude, longitude and date_time columns is formatted correctly

To help with the process, the Pattrn_Master spreadsheet integrates data validation formulas for each column. Any cell wrongly formatted in the latitude, longitude or ``date_time` columns will be marked with an orange triangle in the top right corner or the cell. Make sure you correct the formatting of the data.

Try reloading the Pattrn app. If it still doesn’t load data, please check that:

  • The public URL of the Pattrn_Master spreadsheet matches the one configured in the config.json file of your Pattrn instance

You can check the URL of the Pattrn_Master spreadsheet by opening it from your Google Drive and clicking on File > Publish to the web.... The URL displayed needs to match the one inputted in the config.json file, in the public_spreadsheet field.

Save the file, re-upload it to your server, and try reloading the Pattrn app. If it still doesn’t load data, please check that:

  • There are no formatting errors in the config.json file of your Pattrn instance

In particular, check that all the quotation marks in the config.json file are straight, double quotation marks. Visual text editors may automatically replace straight quotation marks with curly ones: check the advice at the beginning of the Getting started tutorial about text editors.

Save the file, re-upload it to your server, and try reloading the Pattrn app. If it still doesn’t load data, please see the Help with Pattrn section.